Extract data from text, html, xml and other files
DB Maker was created to solve numerous problems in the extraction of information from text, HTML, rss, xml and other files, and for creating databases in a form amenable for subsequent processing. For example, in a certain text file (or on a certain site), say there is information that is valuable for you about incoming orders and containing the following data: �Date of order� and �Last name-First Name-Middle Name� (LFN) for 1000 orders (it is possible to think up and supply some kind of amusing example). To process this information you have the following options:
First: select with the mouse �Date of order� and copy it into a field defined by your database and do this 1000 times, then select the LFM content and also copy it 1000 times into the corresponding field. And if you need to break apart LFM into three fields �Last name�, �First name�, �Middle name,� then this requires 3000 operations!
Second, and more productive: define parameters of the project in DB Maker and extract this information automatically in a few seconds. You need only to indicate the extraction parameters: for example, that the value of the �Last name� field is located immediately after the word �LFM�, and the next word needs to be placed in the �First name� field, and so on.
DB Maker is thus a powerful tool for processing and structuring information that is absolutely essential for marketers, managers, editors, scientists, IT specialists, or those engaged in e-commerce.
DB Maker is easy to use, it is extremely simple to install and operate. We recommend starting your work by getting an overview of some simple examples, which are stored in in the same directory where you installed the program. You do not have to be a programmer to start a project.
Just as easily you can transform information downloaded from the internet about currency exchange rates, you can transfer lists of debtors or sports results, process any sort of orders, make lists of visitors to a site, and much more.
To download files from the Internet we recommend the Website Extractor. With this program, you can download an entire website or just a part of it, depending on the filter parameters you establish.
What can DB Maker be used for?
- Create databases containing information about your subscribers
- Process email
- Retrieve and process data contained in standardized formats or subscription forms
Imagine how much energy it would take to manually convert information sent by email into a format that is convenient. Using DB Maker, you can significantly simplify processing of content coming from users.
- Process information located on the Internet
- Process and importation any inquiries received into the corporate system
Manual transfer of information on a web page into a database is a long and exhausting procedure, and processing incoming orders is no less difficult. DB Maker takes all the complexity connected with the conversion of data. And makes all your work A+.
- Financial and capital markets
- Handling real-time stock quotes
- Regularly updated quotes
From now on, there are no agonizing procedures for transferring stock quotes and currency information in databases. DB Maker, which was designed for just these tasks, will be your faithful helper for solving such problems.
- Process site catalogues containing information about reseller companies who are potential partners;
- Process files containing the addresses of potential clients.
Most of you won�t have problems involving the time-consuming transfer of necessary information from inconvenient formats. DB Maker helps you create a database that contains all the necessary data about your partners and clients. Don�t forget about the convenient tool for downloading sites � Website Extractor.
- Process experimental data
- Exchange information between systems
Accepted standard formats can differ from one research department to another. With DB Maker, you have the ability to process various data by converting them to an established text format.
The registered version also supports command line mode:
Dbmaker.exe project.dmk result.txt
where project.dmk is the retrieval parameter file, and result.txt is the name of the file with the retrieval results. It is thus possible to integrate DB Maker with other systems.
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